Company presentation

Manilla Oy

In it’s current form Manilla Oy was born on 1.1.2019, but has it’s roots deep in Finnish history. Oy Manilla Ab was located in Turku by the river Aura, and was the oldest rope factory in Finland. As a memory from these times, there is the old Manilla property that is currently being used as a museum centre. In year 1999 our parent company, current Piippo Oyj, bought Manilla Ab, and integrated Manilla Ab’s functions as part of its’ business, and functions from Rymättylä, and Turku, were moved to Sysmäjärventie 5 in Outokumpu. Manilla was Piippo Oyj’s auxiliary company name till year 2018 till Manilla Oyj was born.

On 1.1.2019 Piippo Oyj’s consumer business (ropes, and twines) was transferred to newly born Manilla Oy. Piippo Oyj focuses on developing their agri(cultural) business, and Manilla Oy as Piippo Oyj’s daughter company focuses on selling and marketing ropes, and twines, with help of more than a 1000 resellers, and online store.

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